Why On Earth Did Jesus Come?

Why On Earth Did Jesus Come?
Why On Earth Did Jesus Come
Pam Newton Pam lives in Whitby.
01 April, 2010 1 min read

Attractively produced, this publication sets out to explain, in a lively manner, the true facts of the Christmas story. It tackles some of the myths and legends which have grown up over the years and shows the reader the true ‘reason for the season’.

The first half of the booklet covers the historical background and facts of the conception and birth of Jesus as given in the Bible. Different aspects are dealt with under various headings and in the one entitled ‘The sceptics’ the author answers common objections to such matters as the virgin birth (the item ‘Mistakes about Mary’ is perhaps an unnecessary addition here).

The second half is concerned with setting out for the reader just who Jesus was, and is, and why he came to earth. The booklet concludes with an explanation of the true meaning of Christmas — that Jesus came to save his people from their sins — and how the reader can receive this wonderful Christmas gift.

The booklet’s clear intention is to reach out to those who are unsaved and to this end many thousands of copies have been distributed to homes and given to individuals over the Christmas period of 2009.

The text is well supported by biblical texts and references to early writers, as well as more recent publications. These writers and their works are listed at its end.

Pam lives in Whitby.
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