Why was Romans written?

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 March, 2011 2 min read

Why was Romans written?

The sum and whole cause of the writing of this epistle [Romans] is, to prove that a man is justified by faith only; which proposition whoso denieth, to him is not only this epistle and all that Paul writeth, but also the whole Scripture, so locked up, that he shall never understand it to his soul’s health.
   And, to bring a man to the understanding and feeling that faith only justifieth, Paul proves that the whole nature of man is so poisoned and so corrupt, yea, and so dead, concerning godly living or godly thinking, that it is impossible for her to keep the law in the sight of God; that is to say, to love it, and of love and willingness to do it as naturally as a man eats or drinks, until he be quickened again and healed through faith.
   And by justifying, understand no other thing than to be reconciled to God, and to be restored unto his favour, and to have thy sins forgiven thee. As, when I say, God justifieth us, understand thereby, that God for Christ’s sake, merits, and deservings only, receiveth us unto his mercy, favour, and grace, and forgiveth us our sins.
   And when I say, Christ justifieth us, understand thereby, that Christ only hath redeemed us, bought, and delivered us out of the wrath of God and damnation, and hath with his works only purchased us the mercy, the favour, and grace of God, and the forgiveness of our sins.
   And when I say, that faith justifieth, understand thereby, that faith and trust in the truth of God and in the mercy promised us for Christ’s sake, and for his deserving and works only, doth quiet the conscience and certify her that our sins be forgiven, and we in the favour of God.
From William Tyndale’s Prologue to the Epistle to the Romans

Why was Romans written?

The sum and whole cause of the writing of this epistle [Romans] is, to prove that a man is justified by faith only; which proposition whoso denieth, to him is not only this epistle and all that Paul writeth, but also the whole Scripture, so locked up, that he shall never understand it to his soul’s health.

And, to bring a man to the understanding and feeling that faith only justifieth, Paul proves that the whole nature of man is so poisoned and so corrupt, yea, and so dead, concerning godly living or godly thinking, that it is impossible for her to keep the law in the sight of God; that is to say, to love it, and of love and willingness to do it as naturally as a man eats or drinks, until he be quickened again and healed through faith.

And by justifying, understand no other thing than to be reconciled to God, and to be restored unto his favour, and to have thy sins forgiven thee. As, when I say, God justifieth us, understand thereby, that God for Christ’s sake, merits, and deservings only, receiveth us unto his mercy, favour, and grace, and forgiveth us our sins.

And when I say, Christ justifieth us, understand thereby, that Christ only hath redeemed us, bought, and delivered us out of the wrath of God and damnation, and hath with his works only purchased us the mercy, the favour, and grace of God, and the forgiveness of our sins.

And when I say, that faith justifieth, understand thereby, that faith and trust in the truth of God and in the mercy promised us for Christ’s sake, and for his deserving and works only, doth quiet the conscience and certify her that our sins be forgiven, and we in the favour of God.

From William Tyndale’s Prologue to the Epistle to the Romans

ET staff writer
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