
With the concerted attack on Kate Forbes, Scotland has become ‘the Land of the Beast’

With the concerted attack on Kate Forbes, Scotland has become ‘the Land of the Beast’
Kate Forbes MSP
William Philip
William Philip Senior Minister at The Tron, Glasgow.
23 February, 2023 5 min read
They worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?” (Revelation 13:5)

The concerted attack on Kate Forbes from the media, the ‘twittering class’, political opponents and her own party reveals this has to do not with mere politics but with the darkness of our nation in its hastening rejection of all that is good, holy and true. The land of the Book has become the land of the Beast and hard days lie ahead for all who will stand with, and for, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian and secular commentators have written on the hypocrisy of the witch hunt against Kate Forbes in the name of ‘tolerance’; the religious discrimination (and cowardice) which hounds a Christian on questions of homosexuality while walking on eggshells around a Muslim; and the absurd irony of making obeisance to the cult of ‘trans’ the touchstone of acceptability in political leadership – the very issue which finally sank Nicola Sturgeon.

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