Zimbabwe’s dire state

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 October, 2006 1 min read

Church leaders in Zimbabwe say that almost nothing has been done to re-house 700,000 people who lost their homes and livelihoods in massive demolitions last year. At the time the Zimbabwean government said the destruction was to clean up cities, but many believe it was designed to demoralise President Mugabe’s political opponents.

Kirk Moderator loses his ring

A ceremonial ring worn by moderators of the Church of Scotland general assembly has gone missing. The present moderator, Rt Rev. Alan McDonald, reported it lost after he attended a Women’s Guild meeting in Glasgow’s Royal Concert Hall. The gold ring has a large amethyst stone and bears the motto nec tamen consumebatur. An undisclosed sum is being offered as reward for its safe return.

Tesco caters for sweet Muslim tooth

Supermarket chain Tesco is stocking shelves with halal chocolate bars for the Muslim festival of Ramadan. The company sells a growing range of halal food in its stores and believes there is a demand among young Muslims for chocolate produced to meticulous Islamic standards. The bars do not contain animal fats and no alcohol is used to clean machinery in the production plant. Even the glue used in the bars’ wrappers is free of animal fats.

UK lacks drug test doctors
Britain has a shortage of specialist sports doctors who can test and treat athletes for drugs, according to an Edinburgh sport and exercise medicine faculty. Only three such doctors are registered with the General Medical Council, a fraction of what is required in the run up to the 2012 Olympics.

Pope links aid to faith

Speaking to fellow Germans during a recent visit, Pope Benedict XVI told his audience that bishops from Africa and Latin America have told him that aid projects, though welcome, were overshadowing the need to propagate the faith. ‘It was all very well to be charitable’, he told 250,000 worshippers, ‘but charity had to be solidly connected with faith’.

ET staff writer
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